Sunday, February 24, 2013

Voices of the Wind

Chapter Seven: What is the importance of environmental awareness and / or environmental activism?

Environmental awareness and environmental activism are both very important topics. If people are not aware of their environment how are they supposed to help it? Environmental awareness is all about "having knowledge of the surroundings, or world, beyond ones immediate place."(Cusimano,LDSupport) Many people know of the issues that the environment is currently facing, such as, global warming and the shortage of some natural resources, but what are they doing to stop it? This is where environmental activism comes into play. Environmental activism is the combined force of people who take action to protect and conserve their environment. These are the people who “go green”. They go green by recycling, using less water, and trying to minimize the production of gases contributing to global warming, etc. Every little effort counts and it is important that people try to do their fair share to protect this beautiful planet and all that it contains, if not for yourselves for your future families and the generations to come.

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